Wednesday, April 13, 2011

iv deciced to blog: GOD IS LOVE!

So, I've decided to give "blogging" a try. It will give me a chance to share my testimony, my heart, my thoughts, my dreams, and of course.. JESUS :)

Here's a summarized version of MY testimony:
I grew up in a Christian home, accepted Jesus at the age of 6 along side my brother who is a year older than me. I was always TOLD what to believe, never once did i ever doubt that Jesus was the son of God. I was told he died for me, and so i had no reason to believe any different. I grew up knowing those facts, and spent all my time trying to avoid "doing wrong." [not to say that i actually succeeded in avoided all "wrong." no no no. i did plenty WRONG, it was always followed by guilt and regret... always.]

But, the summer of 2010 was a summer that will forever be marked my my book as being "the season i FOUND myself." You see, God placed some amazing people in my life during that summer, that spent time with me and encouraged me as God was working in my life. The entire summer was dedicated to serving others. I spent a week at church camp, a week on a mission trip, and all the days in between working with the children's program at our church. 

The focus of my summer was spent, not on "NOT doing wrong" but simply on: "following Jesus. being a servant". It was then, when my focus changed, that i suddenly realized, i had Christianity all wrong. I had spent 16 years of my life believing in a Man i didn't know. I had a twisted view on what my purpose in life was, i had a twisted view on who I was, and i had a twisted view of who GOD was..

One night: July 27, 2010 at THE BASEMENT, i met Jesus Christ for myself. His anointed presence in that room, was overwhelming. His spirit was thick, and his love covered that room! Jesus sat right beside me on the floor, and whispered his truth in my ear...

Here's what i learned in a nutshell:

That's it. 
He LOVES me. For me. Not for what i have done, or what i will become. There's NOTHING i can do to make him love me less, there is nothing i could to to make him love me more. 
When i discovered my identity in HIM, that's when i discovered everything about me. 

Plain and simple: i took all of my mess up's, my broken heart, my failures, my "distorted view of myself", my guilt, my pain, my insecurity, my "need" for a relationship, my LIFE.. and laid them at the feet of Jesus. I realized that i am a complete mess, and as hard as i try, i can never fix myself. The instant i did that: his love, forgiveness and grace washed over me with a feeling i can't explain.. and little by little, Jesus stood me back on my own two feet.

One of my favorite chorus' we sing at church is "lean on me". 
"Lean on me, when you have no strength to stand. When you feel you're going under, hold tighter to my hand. Lean on me, when your heart begins to bleed. When you come to the place that I'm all you have, you will find I'm all you need."

 This is SO true. Jesus BEGS you to lean on Him. He is all you need in life. You can never expect anyone or anything to "complete you" until you fall, head first, madly in love with Jesus Christ. He loves you with an unconditional love. A love that can't be bought. A love that will never change. A love that will never fail.
He doesn't care about your past, he cares about YOU!
"Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has EVER seen." -Luke 15:7 

Rest in His arms!

If you don't know this man they call: Jesus. PLEASE let me introduce you. He will completely ROCK YOUR WORLD if you'll let him.

DeAnna <3

1 comment:

  1. Cousin Steph from OH :)April 13, 2011 at 5:51 PM

    You - and your faith - amaze me. I am so blessed tonight by reading your testimony. Keep sharing it, honey. The world needs your light. Love you - Steph
