Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today: April 23, 2001 is a day i will NEVER forget.

It's Easter time again, this will be the 16th Easter I've experienced in my lifetime, but the first easter iv experienced as a born again, forgiven, grace given, child of the king.

I've been so excited about this entire holiday, its without a doubt, always been my favorite. Pretty new dress, lots of pictures, coloring eggs, spending time with the people you love, board games, lots of food, and school holidays.

This holiday is NOW my favorite for all the right reasons. 
Because of the fact that this is my first Easter, i wanted to get the full effect, i didn't want to miss a thing. So, Thursday night as i was watching a worship service in Alabama, on my computer, they showed clips of "The Passion of The Christ". We own the movie, but I've never seen it. Its always been "too much" for me. I knew i couldn't handle the graphic scenes, and i figured that i would just stick to "DeAnna's idea of how that Friday two thousand years ago, went." I just finished the movie...

Opening scene, Jesus in the garden, with his three best friends, praying, sweating drops of blood because he knew what was about to happen, was when the first tear fell from my face. 

Throughout the entire movie, scene after scene, i didn't even realize i was crying, until the sound of my screams distracted me from the movie long enough to wipe my eyes. I was sobbing, i was screaming "NO" every time they hit him.. because i wanted more than anything to take his place. It was DEANNA that should be mocked, hit, punched, slapped, whipped, cut, beaten, broken.. because i HAVE done wrong. i HAVE sinned. i DESERVE it. all of it. every single slap. Jesus... DIDN'T.
Jesus was perfect. 
Jesus came INTO this world to save man.
He who knew NO sin, became sin, that WE might be become righteous.

Many emotions rushed through me, sometimes all at once. I was upset, of the way they were mistreating MY Jesus. I was angry, that Jesus CHOSE to take the mockery, that he remained silent when they made fun of Him. I was humbled, at JUST how unworthy i am. I was filled with peace during the last scene of the movie...

It had been three days since Jesus had taken his last breath. The camera captures the stone being rolled away. And where the world expected to find a dead body, we discovered white cloths.. and a risen Savior.

Easter, can be summed up in one word for me:
For God SO loved YOU, that he sent his perfect flesh and blood, to die a criminal's death, if you would simply BELIEVE in Him, you will receive the gift of eternal life... forever in paradise.
John 3:16

It wasn't nails that held Jesus on the cross, it was His love for you!

I'm still crying, i still feel sick to my stomach, i still have raccoon eyes from makeup and i cant catch my breath.. but tonight has been the greatest night of my entire life.

If you've never seen the movie, i can't encourage you enough.. watch it. 
Yes, its graphic.
But i promise you, it was graphic 2,000 years ago.
This stuff is REAL.
EVERYone should watch it. It shows JUST how much he went through for you.
It makes you feel small.
It leaves you amazed.

Have a blessed Easter.

Dear Jesus.. Thank You.
i love you.


  1. So proud of u De for watching that movie. It really does give an entirely new perspective of what really happened. I haven't seen that movie n years... I think its time I rewatched it. Thanks for reminding me of God love for us :)

  2. Vale la pena. That's the Spanish phrase for it is worth it. Definitely hard to watch, but oh so true and for us life changing. It was this very movie that God used in Uncle Bo's life to make him ready to hear His plan for our family to go to Zimbabwe. It is the truth of this movie that continues to cause us to follow wherever He may lead, even when it is difficult. I love you, DeAnna Marie, and can't wait to see how God is going to use you!
